We met in the first year of high school, Timis and I weren't in good relations from the start because I stole his chair :)), which btw I don't remember, he reminds from time to time, it’s funny to remember stuff u did long time ago. But we settled things straight after a few days and become really good friends as u can see; we are still friends after 6 years and probably more to come. We had one thing in common even back then "GADGETS", he was crazy about phones back then, not that this changed though, but back then was different. I like computers, and was a bit geeky back then, now I'm normal :)). We were a good team, we even came in the same place at university, which btw was a bit of funny story, but some other time :P.
When we came here in UK, we wanted stuff from internet, especially Amazon, (I prefer Amazon, don't like eBay, it can be a bit deceiving), but first we searched on YouTube reviews or any information we could find about the product we wanted to buy. But one day it hit us, let’s become reviewers ourselves. That was a good idea, so we searched on Google how to do it, it was a big long wait (like 2 years), we didn't searched to good, after we visited a few websites we gave up because there was no important info, during this two years we did this search several times, but every time same result. One day a few days ago, Timis called me and told me he found something interesting, I’m not going to say where he found it (two reasons: 1. your going to steal our job and 2. I don't remember (joking about 1.) :D ); I was away so I didn't hear him properly on the phone and he got mad a bit because he had to wait until I got home from my trip.
The next day we started to do some review, it was a bit strange at first, hearing your voice and not believing that it’s you and sometimes we just froze and not knowing what to say, but we got through that and here we are, in the next few days we are going to put videos or post links with our reviews and as many information we can find about the reviewed product.
So here it was our short story, which is not that short but anyway :).
Hope you like this and won’t be a waste of our time, personally I don’t think it’s going to be a waste because it’s useful for us and funny at the same time. (Timis agrees with me).
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